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Uprawa grzybów w domu
Uprawa grzybów w domu

Uprawa grzybów w domu to kwestia, która wzbudza wiele wątpliwości. Dotyczy to zwłaszcza różnych odmian psilocybe...

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Pejotl - sklep
Pejotl - sklep

Pejotl w sklepie internetowym można nabyć w pełni legalnie, co stanowi doskonałą wiadomość dla miłośników...

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Jak rozpoznać grzyby halucynogenne?
Jak rozpoznać grzyby halucynogenne?

Zastanawiasz się, jak rozpoznać grzyby halucynogenne? Ich poprawna identyfikacja wymaga dobrej znajomości cech...

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Hodowla Golden Teacher
Hodowla Golden Teacher

Hodowla Golden Teacher jest szczególnym przedmiotem zainteresowania wielu mykologów. Grzyby te należą do...

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Nasiona grzybów
Nasiona grzybów

Nasiona grzybów to potoczna, ale błędna nazwa komórek rozrodczych tych organizmów. W rzeczywistości grzyby wytwarzają...

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Golden Teacher Spores


Golden Teacher spores are the basic reproductive cells of this popular strain of Psilocybe cubensis, characteristic hallucinogenic mushrooms. In nature, their development takes place in closed structures, and upon reaching maturity, they burst and are released to the outside. In this form, they can be spread by other living organisms, wind, and water, allowing for further expansion. The spores of this strain have specific parameters and growth conditions.


How to identify Golden Teacher spores?

Spores of Golden Teacher have a form similar to reproductive cells of other varieties of Psilocybe cubensis, taking the shape of single-cell structures with an elongated, ellipsoidal shape. The presence of psilocybin and other psychedelic compounds makes the cultivation of these mushrooms illegal in Poland. However, hallucinogenic substances are not present in the spores themselves, so local collectors can safely possess mycelium and use it for microbiological observations. Various strains of Psilocybe cubensis in the form of mycelium are offered by our online store, where you can find specially prepared grow kits. Their purchase is fully legal as long as you do not actively lead to the development of fruiting bodies.

Environmental conditions

Golden Teacher is a variety first discovered by one Steven Pollack, who came across these mushrooms in the 1980s. Currently, their presence has been confirmed in many different parts of the world, primarily those located in tropical and subtropical zones. These mushrooms mainly develop in highly humid environments, which is why they most often grow in forested areas. The specific properties of psilocybin and other hallucinogenic compounds mean that individual countries have different approaches to the possibility of selling, possessing, and consuming mushrooms of this variety. In some countries, their cultivation is legal, but the decision to grow them should always be carefully analyzed in terms of regulations and restrictions.

Specific characteristics

Identifying the spores of this variety is difficult due to many features typical of other psilocybin mushrooms. However, fully developed specimens can be recognized based on various parameters. As saprotrophic fungi, Golden Teachers are heterotrophic organisms that obtain energy by breaking down organic remains into simple compounds. This variety is characterized by rhizomorphic mycelium. The spores themselves have a brown coloration, and their prints are smooth and thick-walled. Mature mushrooms of this variety have a veil with a bumpy surface. A thin ring can be noticed on the stem, which darkens as reproductive cells fall.

Physical structure

The cap of this variety takes on a characteristic conical shape and has smooth edges, with its diameter usually reaching several centimeters. The stem remains long, cylindrical, and quite slender, characterized by a fibrous cover in the upper part, while its length is usually several centimeters. A characteristic feature of these mushrooms is also fan-shaped, light brown, and relatively thick gills, which are clearly separated from each other. This variety has quite hard flesh. Its coloration is white, but after mechanical cutting or crushing, it changes color to bluish. The spores themselves are characterized by a typical elliptical shape and dark brown color.

Grow kits

What can Golden Teacher spores be legally used for?

Golden Teacher spores remain compliant with national regulations, so you can purchase and use them for collector's purposes without problems. However, it's worth remembering that actively leading to the actual development an


Kamil Wicher

Description: A mycology enthusiast with years of experience in the field of hallucinogenic mushrooms. His fascination with mycelium started over a decade ago, which eventually led to building his own brand specializing in the sale and production of Psilocybe cubensis grow kits

Profession: Entrepreneur, owner of - the first store in Poland specializing in Psilocybe cubensis mycelium. has been developing since 2016, previously under the brand

Hobby: Mycology, psilocybin mushrooms, psychedelics in a broad context. Privately loves the mountains, the sea, and related sports - snowboarding and kitesurfing

Project: - an online store specializing in the sale of Psilocybe cubensis grow kits