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Rośliny psychoaktywne w Polsce
Rośliny psychoaktywne w Polsce

Rośliny psychoaktywne w Polsce znane są od stuleci, jednak w praktyce nie zawsze łatwo na nie natrafić. Ich cechą...

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Growkit B+
Growkit B+

Growkit B+ to specjalny zestaw dla hobbystów i kolekcjonerów, który zawiera bardzo popularną odmianę grzybków...

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Golden Teacher Mushrooms
Golden Teacher Mushrooms

Golden Teacher mushrooms are among the most frequently discussed varieties of Psilocybe cubensis, also known as Cuban...

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Colombian Grow Kit
Colombian Grow Kit

The Colombian Growkit is a properly prepared set that allows for hassle-free research and microscopic observations of...

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Peyote is a specific cactus that arouses great interest due to its psychoactive properties. Lophophora williamsii is...

Read more - Passion for Mushrooms: Cultivation, Guides, Tips

Welcome to the blog - your guide to the fascinating world of mushrooms! We are enthusiasts who share knowledge, advice, and tips on the diversity of mushrooms, their applications, and cultivation. Our blog is a treasure trove of information not only for mushroom lovers but also for those interested in their use in cooking, natural medicine, and biology.
  • Rośliny psychoaktywne w Polsce
    Rośliny psychoaktywne w Polsce

    Rośliny psychoaktywne w Polsce znane są od stuleci, jednak w praktyce nie zawsze łatwo na nie natrafić. Ich cechą charakterystyczną jest obecność specyficznych substancji, które wywołują zróżnicowane doznania psychodeliczne i halucynogenne. Rośliny te wykorzystywano zarówno w celach leczniczych, jak i podczas różnych obrzędów duchowych. Niektóre z nich działają stymulująco lub pobudzająco, a inne mogą wywoływać uspokojenie i podnosić odporność na ból.

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  • Growkit B+
    Growkit B+

    Growkit B+ to specjalny zestaw dla hobbystów i kolekcjonerów, który zawiera bardzo popularną odmianę grzybków Psilocybe cubensis. Odmiana ta należy do najwcześniej odkrytych na świecie, a obecnie wciąż stanowi częsty przedmiot badań i analiz entuzjastów mykologii. Za pomocą zestawu zawierającego grzybnię B+ można przyjrzeć się jej specyficznej strukturze biologicznej, a także obserwować wczesny cykl życiowy. W zestawie znajdują się również przydatne akcesoria.

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  • Golden Teacher Mushrooms
    Golden Teacher Mushrooms

    Golden Teacher mushrooms are among the most frequently discussed varieties of Psilocybe cubensis, also known as Cuban psilocybin mushrooms. Their characteristic feature is their specific properties that allow for hallucinogenic effects. These mushrooms contain a compound called psilocybin. This substance affects perception, senses, mood, and the perception of reality in various ways. In Poland, possession of this substance is illegal, however, hobbyists interested in this variety can still...

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  • Colombian Grow Kit
    Colombian Grow Kit

    The Colombian Growkit is a properly prepared set that allows for hassle-free research and microscopic observations of the mycelium of this intriguing variety of Psilocybe cubensis with psychedelic properties. These mushrooms owe their name to their place of origin, Colombia. Psilocybe columbiana comes from the Hymenogastraceae family, which occurs in the Paramo plant formation in the high Colombian mountains.

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  • Peyote

    Peyote is a specific cactus that arouses great interest due to its psychoactive properties. Lophophora williamsii is a stemmed and spineless species, also known as Williams' cactus or button cactus. This perennial plant originates from the desert regions of Texas and Mexico, and most commonly occurs on clay and limestone soils. The characteristic features of this cactus include its pink or yellowish flowers, which open during the day and somewhat resemble those of prickly pear.

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  • How Do Magic Mushrooms Work?
    How Do Magic Mushrooms Work?

    The question "how do hallucinogenic mushrooms work" is often asked by people who have not previously encountered this specific group of organisms. Their properties cause even a small dose to lead to various psychedelic experiences. The most popular mushrooms of this type include different varieties that contain psilocybin. This substance induces diverse sensations, associated with changes in mood, consciousness, or perception.

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  • Psilocybin Mushrooms in Poland
    Psilocybin Mushrooms in Poland

    Here's the translated text, formatted according to your instructions: Psilocybin mushrooms are not particularly common in Poland, making them difficult to encounter in their natural environment. Their specific properties strongly intrigue mycologists, which is partly due to the presence of characteristic chemical compounds. One such substance is psilocybin, which has psychoactive effects and, when consumed, significantly influences sensory perception, mood, awareness, and consciousness. In...

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  • Golden Teacher Growbox
    Golden Teacher Growbox

    The Golden Teacher Growbox is a practical and easy-to-use kit that allows for the observation of Psilocybe cubensis. Like other varieties of Cuban psilocybe, they belong to the group of hallucinogenic mushrooms. Their characteristic properties are primarily due to psilocybin. This substance, when consumed, induces a range of psychedelic experiences, affecting the senses, perception, and the understanding of reality and time.

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  • Morning Glory Seeds
    Morning Glory Seeds

    Morning Glory seeds have been used for centuries in various meditative practices and traditional rituals. Currently, they are used for horticultural purposes, which means growing and cultivating beautiful flowers. These seeds allow for the cultivation of Ipomoea purpurea, or purple morning glory. This species captivates with its exceptional coloration. The flowers of this plant will serve perfectly as an aesthetic exhibit in the home or garden, enriching and diversifying any environment.

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  • Hallucinogenic Cacti
    Hallucinogenic Cacti

    Hallucinogenic cacti are exceptionally fascinating plants that contain compounds inducing psychedelic experiences. Species with such properties are also characterized by many other unique features and qualities, which gives them a great potential for ethnobotanical research. These cacti are particularly valued by collectors and hobbyists, due to their rich history and significant cultural importance.

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  • McKennaii Growkit
    McKennaii Growkit

    McKennaii Growkit is a special set that allows for observation and research of this famous variety of Psilocybe cubensis - Cuban psilocybe. These mushrooms belong to the group of so-called hallucinogens, which results from their psychedelic properties. The content of psilocybin and other specific compounds makes them illegal in Poland. However, the mycelium present in the growkit does not contain any prohibited substances, which means it can be purchased for hobby purposes.

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  • Malabar Growkit
    Malabar Growkit

    The Malabar Growkit is a collector's and hobbyist's kit containing mycelium of one of the most popular Psilocybe cubensis strains. Its name refers to the origin of these mushrooms, the Malabar Coast located on the Arabian Sea in southwestern India. Like other varieties of Psilocybe cubensis, this strain is also characterized by the presence of certain compounds with hallucinogenic effects and possesses specific psychedelic properties.

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Showing 1 to 12 of 51 (5 Pages)