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Jak rozpoznać grzyby halucynogenne?
Jak rozpoznać grzyby halucynogenne?

Zastanawiasz się, jak rozpoznać grzyby halucynogenne? Ich poprawna identyfikacja wymaga dobrej znajomości cech...

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Hodowla Golden Teacher
Hodowla Golden Teacher

Hodowla Golden Teacher jest szczególnym przedmiotem zainteresowania wielu mykologów. Grzyby te należą do...

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Nasiona grzybów
Nasiona grzybów

Nasiona grzybów to potoczna, ale błędna nazwa komórek rozrodczych tych organizmów. W rzeczywistości grzyby wytwarzają...

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Grzyby halucynogenne w sklepie online
Grzyby halucynogenne w sklepie online

Grzyby halucynogenne w sklepie online wzbudzają coraz większe zainteresowanie. Kolekcjonerzy i hobbyści poszukują...

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Rodzaje grzybów halucynogennych
Rodzaje grzybów halucynogennych

Rodzaje grzybów halucynogennych klasyfikowane są na podstawie ich wyjątkowych właściwości, wynikających z zawartości...

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Trichocereus bridgesii


Trichocereus bridgesii is a distinctive cactus commonly known as the Bolivian torch or blue torch. It belongs to a specific group of such plants collectively called San Pedro, in which one of the main alkaloids is mescaline with psychoactive properties. These cacti were used by indigenous tribes of Bolivia during various rituals and ceremonies, and according to experts, they have been known for over three thousand years.


What are the characteristics of the Trichocereus bridgesii cactus?


This cactus originates from La Paz in Bolivia, and among the indigenous populations of this country, it is often referred to as achuma or wachuma. However, this nomenclature also applies to other cacti with psychedelic properties, outside the areas where T. bridgesii is the dominant species. This plant is often sought after by collectors due to its decorative qualities. This cactus is very sensitive to sunlight. Generally, it does not develop well when exposed to full sun, due to the risk of sunburn. The plant also shows high tolerance to temperature fluctuations. It usually grows in regions also occupied by other cacti and succulents, where it receives a sufficient dose of slow-release fertilizer.

Growing conditions

During the active growth period, the plant needs regular rainfall, but it usually does not tolerate excess water well and thrives best with slow drying. This cactus naturally does not grow on peat substrate, due to its very high water absorption coefficient. Excess water can lead to root rot and the development of various diseases. For this reason, the plant must draw numerous substances from the environment that increase permeability. The cactus shows cold resistance down to even -10 degrees Celsius, and is also quite resistant to insect invasions. In our online store, you can also find seeds of other plants that can be safely grown in home conditions.

Plant Kingdom

Is it legal to possess a Trichocereus bridgesii cactus?

Trichocereus bridgesii available as seeds in our online store is fully legal and does not contain any substances prohibited by law. In our assortment, you will also find many other products for collectors and hobbyists, including grow kits with various varieties of hallucinogenic mushrooms. We have been running our business continuously since 2016, which has earned us great customer trust. We have a large production and office space, as well as modern equipment such as refrigerators, a laminar flow hood, a pressure autoclave, and a temperature-controlled room.

Psychoactive properties

Like other related species, this cactus is characterized by the content of psychoactive alkaloids. These include the substance known as mescaline, used for centuries by Bolivian shamans to perform rituals and induce hallucinations. Its properties deeply affect consciousness, generating varied auditory, visual, olfactory, or tactile sensations. The mescaline present in this plant can also change the sense of time or induce a state of depersonalization. In many cultures, the primary form of consumption of this substance was drinking an infusion of dried, ground, or raw cactus. Mescaline in large quantities is found primarily in wild succulents, the possession of which is illegal in Poland and many other countries. The seeds available in our online store are fully permitted and can be used for hobby cultivation.

Potential uses

The mescaline contained in this cactus can produce various effects, which depend on the purity of the substance, the


Kamil Wicher

Description: A mycology enthusiast with years of experience in the field of hallucinogenic mushrooms. His fascination with mycelium started over a decade ago, which eventually led to building his own brand specializing in the sale and production of Psilocybe cubensis grow kits

Profession: Entrepreneur, owner of - the first store in Poland specializing in Psilocybe cubensis mycelium. has been developing since 2016, previously under the brand

Hobby: Mycology, psilocybin mushrooms, psychedelics in a broad context. Privately loves the mountains, the sea, and related sports - snowboarding and kitesurfing

Project: - an online store specializing in the sale of Psilocybe cubensis grow kits