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Jak rozpoznać grzyby halucynogenne?
Jak rozpoznać grzyby halucynogenne?

Zastanawiasz się, jak rozpoznać grzyby halucynogenne? Ich poprawna identyfikacja wymaga dobrej znajomości cech...

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Hodowla Golden Teacher
Hodowla Golden Teacher

Hodowla Golden Teacher jest szczególnym przedmiotem zainteresowania wielu mykologów. Grzyby te należą do...

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Nasiona grzybów
Nasiona grzybów

Nasiona grzybów to potoczna, ale błędna nazwa komórek rozrodczych tych organizmów. W rzeczywistości grzyby wytwarzają...

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Grzyby halucynogenne w sklepie online
Grzyby halucynogenne w sklepie online

Grzyby halucynogenne w sklepie online wzbudzają coraz większe zainteresowanie. Kolekcjonerzy i hobbyści poszukują...

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Rodzaje grzybów halucynogennych
Rodzaje grzybów halucynogennych

Rodzaje grzybów halucynogennych klasyfikowane są na podstawie ich wyjątkowych właściwości, wynikających z zawartości...

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Lophophora williamsii


Lophophora williamsii is a species of stem succulent cactus, also known as peyote or William's button cactus. This perennial plant originates from the deserts of Mexico and Texas, and its popularity stems from its content of compounds with psychoactive properties. Peyote is most abundant on limestone and clay soils. Its characteristic feature is yellowish or pink flowers, which somewhat resemble prickly pear and open during the day.


What characterizes lophophora williamsii?

Lophophora williamsii owes its psychoactive properties to the content of various alkaloids, primarily mescaline. You can find seeds of this cactus for self-cultivation in our online store It's worth noting that in Polish climatic conditions, peyote is not able to develop substances with narcotic effects. Williams' hedgehog cactus growing wild in the United States is under strict protection, so one should always carefully check its source of origin.

Origin and history

The name of this cactus refers to the Nahuatl language, where it means something shining or flickering. Peyote has gained great religious and cultural significance over the centuries, especially among American and Mexican Indians. This succulent is protected in the USA, and its possession and use is illegal. Only native tribes have the right to use this plant, which they can obtain and use for religious purposes. Peyote serves an integrating function for them and also acts as a form of magical protection against evil. Representatives of different cultures did not always decide to consume it, as it was often used as an amulet. This plant also plays an important role in some branches of Christianity, where it is taken as a spirit-healing sacrament.

Appearance and development

The mature peyote has a somewhat spherical and flattened shape, and is characterized by a distinctly ribbed division and fleshy skin. The older the succulent, the more visible the lines on its surface become. The plant may also have spirally shaped grooves, which often take on various forms. In nature, the cactus stem grows to an average of 20 cm, while in home cultivation it reaches a maximum of about 6 cm in height. Peyote develops very slowly, as its growth does not exceed 1 cm per year. One of the characteristic features of this plant are also decorative flowers, which often appear only after several years. After flowering, peyote produces fruits.

Plant Kingdom

What properties does lophophora williamsii have?

Lophophora williamsii is a plant with psychoactive properties that have been used for centuries to induce hallucinations and ecstatic states. The alkaloids contained in wild peyote deeply affect consciousness and generate many other tactile, olfactory and auditory sensations or feelings of depersonalization and suspension of time flow. The most commonly practiced form of consuming peyote in many cultures was taking an infusion prepared from dried cactus. The plant was also eaten raw, dried, or ground. Mescaline occurring in wild peyote is considered a fairly strong psychoactive substance, which is why in this form the succulent has been completely banned in Poland and many other countries.

Use of peyote

The experiences obtained through mescaline are largely dependent on the individual characteristics of the user, as well as the type and purity of the substance or the circumstances of administration. While ancient tribes used Williams' peyote primarily in various rituals, in modern times peyote began to be used mainly for recreational purposes. In the 20th century, this plant aroused the interest of many artists, including Witk


Kamil Wicher

Description: A mycology enthusiast with years of experience in the field of hallucinogenic mushrooms. His fascination with mycelium started over a decade ago, which eventually led to building his own brand specializing in the sale and production of Psilocybe cubensis grow kits

Profession: Entrepreneur, owner of - the first store in Poland specializing in Psilocybe cubensis mycelium. has been developing since 2016, previously under the brand

Hobby: Mycology, psilocybin mushrooms, psychedelics in a broad context. Privately loves the mountains, the sea, and related sports - snowboarding and kitesurfing

Project: - an online store specializing in the sale of Psilocybe cubensis grow kits