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Jak rozpoznać grzyby halucynogenne?
Jak rozpoznać grzyby halucynogenne?

Zastanawiasz się, jak rozpoznać grzyby halucynogenne? Ich poprawna identyfikacja wymaga dobrej znajomości cech...

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Hodowla Golden Teacher
Hodowla Golden Teacher

Hodowla Golden Teacher jest szczególnym przedmiotem zainteresowania wielu mykologów. Grzyby te należą do...

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Nasiona grzybów
Nasiona grzybów

Nasiona grzybów to potoczna, ale błędna nazwa komórek rozrodczych tych organizmów. W rzeczywistości grzyby wytwarzają...

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Grzyby halucynogenne w sklepie online
Grzyby halucynogenne w sklepie online

Grzyby halucynogenne w sklepie online wzbudzają coraz większe zainteresowanie. Kolekcjonerzy i hobbyści poszukują...

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Rodzaje grzybów halucynogennych
Rodzaje grzybów halucynogennych

Rodzaje grzybów halucynogennych klasyfikowane są na podstawie ich wyjątkowych właściwości, wynikających z zawartości...

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How Do Magic Mushrooms Work?


The question "how do hallucinogenic mushrooms work" is often asked by people who have not previously encountered this specific group of organisms. Their properties cause even a small dose to lead to various psychedelic experiences. The most popular mushrooms of this type include different varieties that contain psilocybin. This substance induces diverse sensations, associated with changes in mood, consciousness, or perception.


How do hallucinogenic mushrooms work?

If you're wondering how hallucinogenic mushrooms work, you need to know that various chemical compounds are responsible for the psychedelic effects, with a particular emphasis on psilocybin. The presence of this substance in Psilocybe cubensis makes possession, sale, and cultivation of such mushrooms illegal in Poland. However, regulations do not cover issues related to the mycelium of these varieties, as it does not contain psilocybin. The sale of mycelium therefore remains fully legal, and our online store offers a wide range of grow kits for collector and hobby purposes.

Unique properties

Psilocybin found in hallucinogenic mushrooms is a natural but specific chemical compound. The action of this substance begins after its introduction into the body, usually through consumption. Psilocybin is then converted to psilocin, which is the pharmacologically active compound. It's worth mentioning that psilocybin mushrooms also contain smaller amounts of other hallucinogenic substances. Their consumption can induce a variety of experiences, which focus on altering the perception of time and space and increasing sensory sensitivity. For many users, hallucinogenic mushrooms intensify the sensations that accompany ordinary interaction with the environment.

Specifics of use

Mycologists claim that the substances contained in hallucinogenic mushrooms do not lead to physical or psychological addiction. However, improper or long-term use of hallucinogenic mushrooms carries the risk of undesirable symptoms, often accompanied by unpleasant experiences. This probability increases when taking hallucinogenic mushrooms in combination with other psychoactive substances, such as alcohol. In practice, overdosing on psilocybin is difficult, as is finding its sources in the natural environment. In Poland, only the liberty cap mushroom occurs sporadically, which can be found on roadsides, meadows, pastures, fields, or forest areas. These mushrooms prefer temperate climates and areas that are damp and overgrown with moss or grass.

Psilocybin mushrooms

Can you independently check how hallucinogenic mushrooms work?

The psychedelic properties of hallucinogenic mushrooms mean that in practice, you cannot check how they work. Their independent cultivation is forbidden in Poland. However, mycology enthusiasts can legally possess the mycelium contained in the grow kits we offer, which is ideal for conducting interesting microbiological research. Based on such observations, one can thoroughly familiarize oneself with the specifics of how psychedelic mushrooms work. Possession of substrate overgrown with mycelium remains fully compliant with applicable law, provided that the development of fruiting bodies containing psilocybin is not allowed. In some countries, the cultivation of Psilocybe cubensis is legalized, but we always recommend thoroughly familiarizing yourself with local regulations in this regard.

Psychedelic experiences and sens