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Jak rozpoznać grzyby halucynogenne?
Jak rozpoznać grzyby halucynogenne?

Zastanawiasz się, jak rozpoznać grzyby halucynogenne? Ich poprawna identyfikacja wymaga dobrej znajomości cech...

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Hodowla Golden Teacher
Hodowla Golden Teacher

Hodowla Golden Teacher jest szczególnym przedmiotem zainteresowania wielu mykologów. Grzyby te należą do...

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Nasiona grzybów
Nasiona grzybów

Nasiona grzybów to potoczna, ale błędna nazwa komórek rozrodczych tych organizmów. W rzeczywistości grzyby wytwarzają...

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Grzyby halucynogenne w sklepie online
Grzyby halucynogenne w sklepie online

Grzyby halucynogenne w sklepie online wzbudzają coraz większe zainteresowanie. Kolekcjonerzy i hobbyści poszukują...

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Rodzaje grzybów halucynogennych
Rodzaje grzybów halucynogennych

Rodzaje grzybów halucynogennych klasyfikowane są na podstawie ich wyjątkowych właściwości, wynikających z zawartości...

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Hallucinogenic Cacti


Hallucinogenic cacti are exceptionally fascinating plants that contain compounds inducing psychedelic experiences. Species with such properties are also characterized by many other unique features and qualities, which gives them a great potential for ethnobotanical research. These cacti are particularly valued by collectors and hobbyists, due to their rich history and significant cultural importance.


What are the characteristics of hallucinogenic cacti?

Hallucinogenic cacti can be found in our online store, where we offer seeds of these rare species. The most well-known succulents with psychoactive properties have a very long history of use by indigenous cultures of South and Central America, especially among the Mazatec, Navajo, and Huichol tribes. The psychedelic effects in these plants are due to specific alkaloids, which are naturally occurring compounds.

Properties and effects

One of the most important psychoactive compounds present in these plants is mescaline. This alkaloid has strong hallucinogenic effects, which, after potential consumption, significantly influences the user's perception and psychophysical state. It has been used in many applications to alter consciousness and perception of time, as well as for transcendence. This compound can induce visual hallucinations, such as distortion of objects, visualization of characteristic patterns, or enhancement of colors. Cacti containing mescaline were also used for spiritual purposes, due to their ability to induce profound emotional experiences and open the way for introspection.

History and application

The effects induced by these psychoactive plants were particularly valued in traditional tribal rituals. Individual species and varieties were also treated as intoxicants and recreational substances. Mescaline, being a methoxylated derivative of amphetamine, occurs naturally in some plants. Its actual impact is determined by both the percentage content in the succulent, the purity of the substance, and the individual user's condition or circumstances of administration. Psychoactive plants have intrigued travelers, artists, and scientists for decades. Mescaline is currently being studied for its potential use in therapies for various mental ailments, including addictions, post-traumatic stress disorder, and depression.

Seeds and plants

Which hallucinogenic cacti are the most popular?

The most popular hallucinogenic cacti are primarily Trichocereus bridgesii and Lophophora williamsii, which our online store offers in the form of seeds. Plants in this form are fully legal in Poland, as they do not contain any legally prohibited compounds. In our offer you will also find other products for hobbyists and collectors, such as grow kits with specific varieties of psychedelic mushrooms. We have been continuously operating our business since 2016, which translates into extensive experience. The quality of our offer is also evidenced by the comprehensive equipment of our office and production space, including a laminar flow hood, refrigerated cabinets, a temperature-controlled room, and a pressure autoclave.

Lophophora williamsii

Lophophora williamsii is an exceptionally iconic cactus species, also known as peyote. This plant originates from North America an


Kamil Wicher

Description: A mycology enthusiast with years of experience in the field of hallucinogenic mushrooms. His fascination with mycelium started over a decade ago, which eventually led to building his own brand specializing in the sale and production of Psilocybe cubensis grow kits

Profession: Entrepreneur, owner of - the first store in Poland specializing in Psilocybe cubensis mycelium. has been developing since 2016, previously under the brand

Hobby: Mycology, psilocybin mushrooms, psychedelics in a broad context. Privately loves the mountains, the sea, and related sports - snowboarding and kitesurfing

Project: - an online store specializing in the sale of Psilocybe cubensis grow kits