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Uprawa grzybów w domu
Uprawa grzybów w domu

Uprawa grzybów w domu to kwestia, która wzbudza wiele wątpliwości. Dotyczy to zwłaszcza różnych odmian psilocybe...

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Pejotl - sklep
Pejotl - sklep

Pejotl w sklepie internetowym można nabyć w pełni legalnie, co stanowi doskonałą wiadomość dla miłośników...

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Jak rozpoznać grzyby halucynogenne?
Jak rozpoznać grzyby halucynogenne?

Zastanawiasz się, jak rozpoznać grzyby halucynogenne? Ich poprawna identyfikacja wymaga dobrej znajomości cech...

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Hodowla Golden Teacher
Hodowla Golden Teacher

Hodowla Golden Teacher jest szczególnym przedmiotem zainteresowania wielu mykologów. Grzyby te należą do...

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Nasiona grzybów
Nasiona grzybów

Nasiona grzybów to potoczna, ale błędna nazwa komórek rozrodczych tych organizmów. W rzeczywistości grzyby wytwarzają...

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Colombian Grow Kit


The Colombian Growkit is a properly prepared set that allows for hassle-free research and microscopic observations of the mycelium of this intriguing variety of Psilocybe cubensis with psychedelic properties. These mushrooms owe their name to their place of origin, Colombia. Psilocybe columbiana comes from the Hymenogastraceae family, which occurs in the Paramo plant formation in the high Colombian mountains.


What is the Colombian growkit used for?

The Colombian growkit is a fully legal product as it does not contain psychoactive psilocybin. These types of kits contain a special substrate overgrown with mycelium, and you can find a wide range of them in our online store We also have other varieties of this mushroom species, as well as plant seeds. Psilocybe columbiana is a variant particularly valued by mycologists for its ability to adapt to numerous environmental conditions and the possibility of conducting many interesting studies. However, it's important to remember that according to current law, the growkit cannot be used for cultivating psychedelic mushrooms.

History and specifics

Psilocybin mushrooms are deeply rooted in Colombian culture, which is famous for various customs and traditions. The Colombian variety has been used for hundreds of years by the indigenous people of this South American country, primarily in various ceremonies and spiritual rituals. In other parts of the world, these mushrooms gained popularity due to their relatively fast colonization rate. Mature specimens show a specific tendency to tip over, as the white and thin stems are unable to support the weight of the pale yellowish cap. In Colombian culture, this trait was considered positive as it facilitated harvesting. Mushrooms of this variety also don't produce many spores, which are characteristically dark burgundy or often even black in color.

Kit components

The growkit available in our online store contains several elements that allow for observation of this variety. The set includes a plastic box with mycelium, as well as a set of accessories in the form of a clip, a plastic growbag, and an appropriate thermometer for temperature control. It should be remembered that the growkit in this form is for hobby purposes only. Mature Psilocybe cubensis mushrooms contain alkaloids that are not allowed in Poland, so under no circumstances should fruiting be allowed to occur. Developed spores already contain psilocybin, possession of which remains illegal. This product should be stored in refrigerated conditions to prevent fruiting. The optimal temperature is about 2-4 degrees Celsius.


What properties does the Colombian growkit have?

The Colombian growkit available in our online store is maintained in appropriate refrigerated conditions, which translates into very high quality mycelium